We’re thrilled that data from the Thriving Places Index has been included in the latest ONS personal wellbeing bulletin.
Four case studies have been produced from the Thriving Places Index to use to understand particularly low areas of wellbeing (Lambeth and Wolverhampton) and high wellbeing (Chichester and North Devon). The TPI uses local-level indicators focused on local conditions, sustainability and equality to measure and inform progress towards wellbeing and is used in the case studies to understand why self-reported wellbeing in the areas is at these levels. The case studies show that each local authority faces very different challenges in creating the conditions in which local people can thrive.
The Thriving Places Index is the first consistent and accessible framework that uses local indicators to measure progress on supporting the wellbeing of all citizens, now and in the future. The TPI helps us see what what we need, and points us in the direction of travel for meeting these needs. It shows us what’s already going well, and what isn’t going so well and paints a more holistic picture of how different areas ‘are doing’.
In the following days we’ll be taking an in-depth look at what the latest ONS data tells us and doing some further analysis together with data from the TPI.
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