Thriving Places Insights
Thriving Places Insights Series #1: Gender Inequalities
Addressing gender inequality across the country is a vital part of enhancing
individual and collective wellbeing, and it is a key part of the Thriving Places Framework and Index. See headline insights on the Gender Pay Gap and other key inequalities in the drivers of wellbeing in the first of a new series from our TPI evidence database.
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What does it feel like to create local policy based on its impact on people and planet rather than GDP growth? How does it change the way decisions are made and implemented? What does the data tell us about how to deliver the conditions for wellbeing?
For the first time, Centre for Thriving Places (CTP) is publishing stories of the Wellbeing Economy in Action alongside the 2024 release of its flagship analysis of the drivers of wellbeing – the Thriving Places Index (TPI)
Voters ‘twice as likely to trust local politicians’
The Reclaiming Our Regional Economies five year programme’s first report and poll, created by CTP alongside our RORE partners, reveals higher trust for local politicians over national ones and sets out to understand what communities, councils and combined authorities can do to build more inclusive regional economies.
Financial Wellbeing Assessment Tool – Framework& Survey Development Report
Financial wellbeing is a key component of a person’s overall wellbeing. By financial wellbeing,
we don’t just mean the amount of money someone has, in the same way that social wellbeing
doesn’t translate to the quantity of someone’s relationships. What matters is the quality of their
relationships, not their quantity. The same goes for the quality of someone’s financial situation:
in addition to how much money they have, does someone’s finances help them fulfill their
values, pursue meaningful goals, maintain close relationships and live a long and healthy life?
What are the shared ingredients for a wellbeing economy?
A discussion paper from the Centre for Thriving Places, supported by Carnegie UK argues that growing a fairer, greener and truly thriving economy is possible today. The paper focuses on diverse support available at local level in the UK, exploring wellbeing models, dashboards and indices to outline how we can come together to rewire the economy to crack the many social and environmental crises of our time.
The research outlined in this report was conducted by Centre for Thriving Places during Spring and Summer 2022 in response to a brief from What Works Centre for Wellbeing (WWCW). The What Works Centre for Wellbeing Team acted as partners for the research and created and coordinated a project consultation group for the research to ensure quality.
Wellbeing Framework for the North of Tyne – The Roundtable report
In December 2020, the NTCA and Carnegie UK co-hosted an event to explore the opportunities for ‘Building a Wellbeing Recovery in the North of Tyne’. Carnegie UK then commissioned CTP to provide support with creation of the eventual framework, plus data from the TPI and other sources.
City Funds Evaluation Programme – Guidance Document
The lead economist for the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz, wisely said, “if we measure the wrong things, we strive for the wrong things.” The City Funds team recognised this challenge early on and commissioned the Centre for Thriving Places to develop a cost effective evaluation programme that can stand the test of time. The indicator set developed for City Funds is based entirely on high quality secondary data available at local authority and ward level, aiming to not only guide City Funds’ evaluation plans but also to help create a clear set of shared goals to unite all partners across the city-wide programme of work.
Defining and Measuring Rural Wellbeing: The full report
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) commissioned research from Centre for Thriving Places (CTP) to begin to plug the important gap inresearch focused on the specific influence of rurality on individual and community wellbeing
Building a Wellbeing Economy Roadmap for Towns
A guide to embedding a Wellbeing Economy approach for towns, their citizens and their leaders. Why wellbeing matters, how to use a Wellbeing Economy approach, and some of the key opportunities, challenges and solutions to transform your town.
Wellbeing Economy Data Guide for Towns
A guide to availability of Thriving Places Index data at a town level, and how to use it and other data sources to drive a Wellbeing Economy approach in towns across the UK.
Understanding Thriving Communities
As part of a journey to find out what enables people and communities to thrive and the conditions for success, the National Lottery Community Fund commissioned a project to identify what is already known about what works and what we don’t yet know. This report is the main outcome from that project.
Understanding local needs for wellbeing data
Commissioned by Public Health England and Office for National Statistics, and in partnership with What Works Centre for Wellbeing, This report provides advice about the best locally available wellbeing indicators.
Thriving places index resources
Creating conditions for wellbeing: The Thriving Places Index
This booklet explains the Thriving Places Index framework and outlines how Local Authorities and funders can use the data
Webinar showing the uses and benefits of the TPI and some data from the 2022 release
This presentation offers more background on the use of the TPI in place-based policy
Key findings report for England
The Thriving Places Index provides an exceptionally rich data source on the drivers of long term wellbeing in communities.
Indicator list for report for England
The Thriving Places Index data can be explored, analysed and used in many ways.
Key findings report for England
The Thriving Places Index provides an exceptionally rich data source on the drivers of long term wellbeing in communities.
Indicator list for report for England
The Thriving Places Index data can be explored, analysed and used in many ways.
Thriving Places Index 2020 key findings
Our research team have pulled out key insights from across Local Conditions, Sustainability and Equality in this short report.
Thriving Places Index 2020: Indicators
The Thriving Places Index data can be explored, analysed and used in many ways. Use to contact us or see Do more with the TPI for information on how you can use this data.
2020 launch
Liz Zeidler and Lisa Muller lead the 2020 launch webinar, with panellists Nancy Hey (What Works Centre for Wellbeing), Asher Craig (Deputy Mayor of Bristol) and Richard Harries (Power to Change).
Thriving Places Index 2019 full report
The 2019 Thriving Places Report takes data from the index and draws out key learning across geography and themes. It also gives more background on the methodology and application.
Thriving Places Index 2019 summary report
The 2019 summary report pulls out headline results and themes from the Thriving Places Index.
Thriving Places Index 2018 full report
The 2018 Thriving Places Report takes data from the index and draws out key learning across geography and themes. It also gives more background on the methodology and application.
Thriving Places Index 2018 summary report
The 2018 summary report pulls out headline results and themes from the Thriving Places Index.
research reports from our team
Exploring the effects of Social Capital on COVID-19 Rates at the Local Level
Centre for Thriving Places has collaborated with doctoral researchers at the University of Groningen on this analysis of the effects of social capital on COVID-19 case rates at the local level in England and Wales.
ways to wellbeing materials
The Little Book of WOW
Since we launched the Little Book of Wow in 2012 it’s become one of most requested resources.
The Little Book of WINS
Wellbeing in Novel Situations is our adaptation of our popular resource, Five ways to wellbeing (WOW), focused on difficult situations such as those brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Little Book of AWE
This booklet is an adaptation of our 5 Ways to Wellbeing materials, and aims to support the over 50s to Age Well Everyday.
Plan B: Five ways to prison wellbeing
This booklet designed to offer prisoners simple ways to find wellbeing whilst in a prison cell.
Five ways for walking groups
A set of materials to support the many local walking groups around the country to increase the wellbeing benefits of every walk
All our previous newsletters can be found here