About the Thriving Places Index

The framework and wealth of data behind it provide an evidence-based map of the key interconnected conditions a place needs to grow wellbeing in a fair and sustainable way.

Why is it needed?

We all deserve to live in a place where we can thrive. That means access to things that are fundamental to our wellbeing, like good health, secure livelihoods, decent housing, social connections and support, opportunities for learning, green spaces and clean air. The TPI brings together the very best existing data and evidence to help you understand and map the pathways to developing a thriving place where you are. Around the UK, local decision makers and communities are coming together around these shared goals and designing policies, strategies and actions to achieve them.

How the TPI is used

The TPI help us understand how places around the UK are doing against three important questions. Are we creating the right local conditions for people to thrive? Are we doing that fairly, so everyone can thrive, and sustainably, so current and future generations can thrive? TPI provides a balanced framework and an easily read ‘dashboard’ of information on the different interconnected elements that support the wellbeing of people, places and the planet. It cuts across different sectors, interests and policy areas and is structured to act as a rigorous and practical roadmap to better policy and action at the local level. The data behind the index consists of a broad set of indicators from the most trusted sources available. It is one of the most comprehensive guides to local wellbeing economics available worldwide.

The Thriving Places Framework

Underpinning the TPI is the broader Thriving Places Framework and Approach. Together they offer a set of support services that can transform how places think and work. Centre for Thriving Places has decades of learning on the ground – helping places grow wellbeing in a rapidly changing world. Our rigorous, practical and flexible approach is designed for local changemakers like you in all sectors. We support you to use and adapt this evidence-based framework and the data behind it to create shared goals and agree the outcomes you need to prioritise in order to get there. You can use this bespoke roadmap to adapt policy, investment, processes and ways of working to deliver now and for the long term. We can help you work together to overcome the challenge of shifting to a new way of thinking and acting,to deliver the outcomes that matter to people. Our approach can ignite and embed a lasting cycle of change across the complexities of a place.

The Thriving Places Index Methodology

The framework on which the TPI is built is grounded in evidence about what matters for the wellbeing of people and the planet, both now and in the future. The Index draws on a broad set of indicators aligned with key factors in the framework. They are sourced from trusted organisations like the Office for National Statistics and Public Health England. Indicator data is converted into scores that show how a place compares to other local authorities across England. These scores are standardised so that the different indicators can be compared and combined. The final Index scores are the average of the indicator scores within that area. Details of the full approach are covered in the Frequently Asked Questions and Methodology (8mb PDF) .