Measuring wellbeing is more vital than ever
This week the Office for National Statistics published its Local Wellbeing results for 2016-17, including a review of trends in wellbeing since the UK’s then prime minister David Cameron famously...
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The austerity morality myth
There’s no denying it – self-denial is in our bones. Most of us sign up to it at some level – the endless diets, the dry Januaries, sacrifices made to prep...
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Governments must focus on happiness
When it comes to a government’s priorities, there is no alternative to nurturing citizens’ happiness. The word is out. GDP growth is not a good indicator of how well a...
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A randomly passing alien might be forgiven for thinking that Project Earth is a pretty sorry work-in-progress. We all know the headlines: climate change, war, racial tension, terrorism, refugees, poverty,...
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Invest in yourself, take it easy!
One in 14 people in the world today suffer from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety paralyses: it prevents people from performing the simplest of activities and can lead to isolation, depression...
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Giving wisely and without guilt
A key ingredient of a happy society is members donating time and resources to help others who are in need. This charitable activity makes the world a better place, but...
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Were the Beatles wrong?
“I don’t care too much for money, money can’t buy me love.” On the face of it a bold statement, but The Beatles left themselves a caveat. The key words...
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What kind of ‘Happy’ should we be trying to be?
To be honest we’ve been somewhat challenged of late within the Happy City communications team. The issue might seem daft, given our name and aim, but in the face of recent...
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It’s high time we start speaking plainly on economics
Persuading people to rethink economic priorities is a huge task. It is made harder by the fact that, let’s face it: Very few of us actually understand what economists are...
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How are you using your time?
Time. We never seem to have enough of it. Modern life is epitomised by the pressure to 'get things done', the quicker the better. Let's face it: we're all just...
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