How can we value Value?
As a new member of the Happy City team, I'll be spending my sunny summer months in Bristol. My placement with Happy City is part of a PhD which explores...
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Mindfulness- Have schools got it wrong?
The news in March that UK schools were introducing classes with a focus on happiness and mindfulness was music to our ears. Recent studies have suggested however that this is...
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What can we learn from the election?
Politics will always involve power, but at Happy City we believe good politics isn't about power. It's the same argument we make about the economy, which must of course involve money,...
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How can we improve our critical thinking?
In this age of 24hr digital media, ‘Fake News’ force-feeds and ever darker political storms, it’s easy to get bogged down. We are constantly swamped by conflicting claims about what...
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Is GDP enough?
Tomorrow will see the release of the UK’s latest GDP figures. No doubt the election will only increase the fanfare and column inches attached to this magical number and its corresponding...
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What would real investment in politics look like?
When we began our #InvestIn campaign, we were not anticipating a snap election to overtake us! If we were true PR animals this would be a golden opportunity for us:...
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Is there a simple formula for happiness?
Could there be a simple formula for happiness? It sounds like a political holy grail: a potential panacea for all our spiritual ills. But is this attractive prospect a real...
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May 10 Happy City come to Waterstones Bristol for Improv panel show
Come to our not-quite-a-panel-show event where you, the audience (with rousing cheers) will decide which are the greatest books of all time*. We've sent intrepid explorers into deep shelf-space to...
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Lies or shared illusion?
Here at Happy City we’ve been busy reviewing our website. How do we best engage people in the exciting revolution we are a part of, namely re-aligning our economy...
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We wondered about this one, in fact this is the first time on the Happy City blog that we've linked to a sermon from the pope! But you don’t have...
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