A World Class Test of Social Value
Be part of this global first for Bristol Would you like to understand the wellbeing needs and strengths of your staff, users, citizens, members or participants? Would you like to...
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What Makes For A Good Life – And How Can We Get It?
Happy City board member Dawn Snape introduces her work at the What Works Centre for Wellbeing. We're delighted to report that Dawn Snape has agreed to become a trustee of the...
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Wanted: Entrepreneurs with heart!!
The Happiness Hub has just received a facelift - we’ve retired a few weary-looking tables, and been given some lovely new chairs and desks from some friends elsewhere in the...
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Introducing Helen Brown
Our Wellbeing Data Trials analyst - who she is and what she does... Hello, I’m Helen and I joined the Happy City team in mid December. My job is to...
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HappiNews #144
Here's the last issue of our newsletter - click on the link to see a nod to David Bowie, news about our office space, a podcast about stories, lovely stuff about...
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Bouncing back after burglary
What can we learn from adversity? Joseph Campbell once said 'Opportunities to find deeper strength within comes when life is most challenging'. Our office was broken into last week. We...
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Scientists moved by quality of life
Sometimes Happy City spreads happiness just by being Earlier this year I was commissioned to edit a career guide for scientists interested in working in the Asia-Pacific region. The science...
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Are we civilized?
The headlines this week are full of the debate about opposing terror with terror. That's understandable - we can all plainly see and empathise with the horror of horror. By...
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El Mundo publicises Happy City across Spain
A thoughtful piece about Happy City's work has just been published by El Mundo in Spain. With a circulation of around 150,000 copies, El Mundo is the second largest newspaper in...
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What really opposes terror?
Fear, dread, chaos, anxiety, consternation, shock and intimidation. These are all words associated with the idea of terror, and 'fight or flight' are the most natural ways to respond. Unfortunately,...
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