From doughnuts to digital spiders – what shape will a new economy be?
Covid 19 has tested the nation and the world. It has provided an unprecedented shared experience and prompted a significant rethink of priorities at all levels of society. From far...
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Can a wellbeing approach help towns to flourish?
Two in five people in the UK live in towns yet all too often funding and attention goes to larger, more metropolitan areas or regions. Discussion on towns seem to...
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Building Back Better: What is ‘better’ and can we build it here?
Centre for Thriving Places has been helping places build a better economy for over ten years. Now that governments and communities around the world are talking about ‘Building Back Better’...
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Gardens and green space: a hidden social divide?
In the UK, one in eight households has no access to a garden, and BAME households are nearly 400% more likely to have no access to outdoor space at home...
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Looking for freelance web developers to join our network
Centre for Thriving Places is looking for one or more freelance web developers to support us to maintain and develop our websites and digital measurement tools. We are a small...
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Time for a more care-full economy?
Leadership lessons from the COVID crisis In our patriarchal world ‘women’s roles’ and ‘female attributes’ tend to be clustered under some form of ‘caring’ bracket. The ‘caring economy’ – from healthcare,...
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Centre for Thriving Places Statement in support of Black Lives Matter
The Centre for Thriving Places categorically believes that there is no place for racism in our world. Our capacity to truly thrive as individuals and as a society, is interdependent...
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Has lockdown created a path to a wellbeing economy?
For some, the current crisis has been a rare period of space – a time for renewal, rest and reviving hobbies or distant friendships. For others it has been catastrophic....
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New tools and resources to help people and communities to thrive
We are currently facing unprecedented challenges to our wellbeing - individually, locally and globally. Sadly for some it is a matter of survival, but for many it is more a...
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Marmot, fist pumps and tea – Guest blog from Joanne Smithson Local Government and Health Lead at What Works Centre for Wellbeing
This guest blog from Joanne was prepared in February 2020 before the COVID-19 crisis dramatically changed the way that we live and work. The wellbeing of the country has arguably become more...
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