Our Services

The Thriving Places Approach is a broad set of services that can transform how places work. Centre for Thriving Places has decades of learning and experience to help you grow wellbeing in a rapidly changing world. 

Our services are designed for local changemakers like you in all sectors and all levels of ‘place’: from organisations to communities, from local to regional government and with public and private sector service providers. 

We support you to co-create and embed a deep understanding of your shared goals, the outcomes that need to be prioritised to get there, and the ways you can adapt policy, investment, processes and ways of working to deliver now and for the long term.

These elements are delivered using the Thriving Places suite of services:

Place-based consultancy including:

  • Policy and Programme Design
  • Applied Research and Analysis with Places
  • Partnership Development
  • Leadership and Learning

Research and Insight including:

  • Expanding Evidence and Learning
  • The Thriving Places Toolkit 