Data & Support Packages

  • Are you interested in innovative ways of using ever tighter budgets to deliver the outcomes local people really want?
  • Are you seeking insight to help achieve multiple benefits across diverse departments and targets?
  • Do you want to understand how to focus your growth plans to drive real growth in health, education, sustainability, good local jobs and much more?
  • Is your in-house data gathering and analysis capacity stretched to breaking point while the need for data is ever growing?

The Centre for Thriving Places’ dataset is an exceptionally comprehensive and well respected data source. It includes 82 evidence backed indicators covering the vital conditions that drive wellbeing within places – including health, jobs, education, local environments, ecosystem health, equality and much more. They are sourced from trusted organisations like the Office for National Statistics, Fingertips Public Health Data, and the Understanding Society Survey, and brought together into an accessible, adaptable outcomes framework for thriving places. 

Our globally respected team has developed a range of packages to make this robust and reliable evidence and data, and our insight and support services more available to more places.  These packages can help places deliver on their ambitions to grow the conditions for equitable and sustainable wellbeing for all.

Find out more about our packages – from comprehensive local data sets to tailored training and support for your teams to deliver better outcomes together below.  

Package prices start from £750 and we still have (limited) availability between March and July 2025 so get in touch today.


This data only subscription package gives access to the Thriving Places Index dataset* for one or more years. This is the perfect package for those with stretched data teams as it saves months of work, researching, gathering, verifying and interpreting data on the key drivers of wellbeing for people, place and planet.  

*TPI data is updated annually. Instructional materials about how to use the dataset are provided .

Essential Level 1 

The Thriving Places Index scores, at domain and subdomain level are available freely on our website. Our Level 1 Essential package provides these scores in spreadsheet form for up to 12 Local Authority areas for local comparison and analysis. Special Offer: £750

Essential Level 2

Behind the TPI scores lies a wealth of data at the indicator level. Our level 2 Essential Package provides you with the most up to date full data set annually for 1 LA (£1250/yr), 5 LAs (£2000), or 12 LAs (£3000), or the whole set for all Upper and Lower Tier LAs in England (331 in total at £7500). 

This is our best-seller. An affordable package that delivers the skills and understanding to really make the most of the Thriving Places Data. Alongside one of the Level 2 Essential Data packages, our Plus subscription offers access to on-line workshops for both data and senior leadership teams. 

Plus Package A 

To compliment the full set of TPI data, we offer places on our online Workshops for data teams.  A two hour interactive intensive training on what data is available, how to use it, the limitations and analysis options.  Places can be bought for 1-2 individual data team members (£150/person), or 3-9 team members (£100/person) or we can put on an exclusive online workshop for your whole team (10 or more people) for £1000.

Plus Package B 

Alongside the full set of TPI data, we offer places on our online Workshops for senior teams. It is an opportunity to explore how the Thriving Places model and data can help you with your strategy and delivery of work plans and outcomes in a specific team or across departments. This is a two hour interactive intensive training on how the Thriving Places Approach and this unique data set can help transform how you work.  Places available for 1-2 individual data team members (£250/person), or 3-9 team members (£200/person) or we can put on an exclusive online workshop for your whole team (10 or more people) for £2000

Our Advanced packages offer all the benefits of the Plus Packages but with in-person workshops for whole teams. If you are serious about embedding a Thriving Places approach to transform outcomes for your citizens, then this package is for you.

Advanced Options including in person workshops for:

  • Data Teams
  • Senior Leadership Teams
  • Cross-Sector leaders from different parts of the system of places – exploring how a Thriving Places approach and outcome framework can help embed collaboration and enable innovation, cost-savings and a growth in what matters to people, place and planet. 

Priced according to the size, complexity and location. Please get in touch

CTP works in depth with places across the UK to co-create support packages to help develop and then embed a Thriving Places approach across departments and sectors. If you would like our direct support for everything from data and research, to writing policies, growth plans and corporate strategies, please get in touch to discuss options to suit your needs and budget.
