Everyone deserves to live in a place where they can thrive. Our multidisciplinary teams provide expert guidance, insight, practical tools and bespoke support to transform how places work so they fulfil their potential and deliver greater wellbeing for all.
Our place-based consultancy services include:

Policy & Programme Design
Working with places to:
- Integrate the Thriving Places Framework, approach and evidence base into strategy and policy design.
- Design innovative policy and approaches in a range of specific policy areas, including community led economic development, regenerative local wealth building, employment and skills, inclusive economies, strategic commissioning, placemaking and planning.
- Improve programme design for interventions, services, funding streams and programme infrastructure, to enable places to build a thriving approach to theory and strategy into their system at practical level.
Applied Research and Analysis with Places
Working with places to:
- Maximise value from available evidence and data.
- Develop and deliver bespoke research programmes to inform policy, strategy and measurement.
- Support places to identify their own unique learnings.

Partnership development
Working with places to:
- Bring together partners who work in different parts of the system to break down silos and have joined up conversations to tackle shared problems.
- Design and deliver processes to create shared strategies or goals across multi-stakeholder groups.
- Improve processes within an organisation to bring together different teams and departments to better integrate their work around a thriving places approach.
We work with people in places to:
- Provide training and coaching to develop confidence and capacity for systems thinking, co-creation and radical place-based leadership
- Grow their knowledge, practice, capacity and confidence in driving change, integrating a thriving place approach, and connecting them to other leaders driving similar work in other places.
- Provide training and capacity building around using and understanding data; building a compelling case for change; strategically integrating new approaches across different policy areas.

Please get in touch at enquiries@centreforthivingplaces.org to find out more about how we can help you transform your place.